Teacher Version

Obstacle Challenge Rules
In this challenge, program the robot to move from its starting area through three rows of fruit trees, passing along both sides of each row. Additionally, there will be randomly placed obstacles throughout the orchard. The robot should not touch these obstacles; instead, when it encounters an obstacle it should stop moving until the obstacle is removed. After this, the robot should continue on its way.
The starting area can be relocated to wherever space is available. Obstacles are placed throughout the orchard at random locations.
Rules and Procedures:
- Place up to three obstacles at random along straight sides of the rows of trees.
- Do not place an obstacle that the robot may bump into when turning a corner.
- When the robot encounters an obstacle, it should stop and wait for the obstacle to be removed, by hand, if using a physical robot. It should then continue moving without additional human intervention.
- The obstacle can be completely removed from the challenge after the robot approaches it and stops.
- Use lower speeds to minimize of effects of momentum when turning.