Teacher Version

Motors and Sensors Setup
Topics Covered
- Motors and Sensors Setup
- Configuring Motors
Check Your Understanding
- True of False: ROBOTC Programs are configured with the EV3 REM Bot as the default robot model.
- True
- False
- Which window in ROBOTC allows you to configure where the motors and sensors are plugged in on the EV3?
- The Motors and Sensors Setup Window
- The Device Configurator Window
- The Robot Confugurator Window
- The EV3 Firmware Updater
- True or False: You must give your motors and sensors custom names.
- True
- False
- What are the rules for the custom names you can give motors and sensors?
- They must be all one word
- They can only be made up of letters, numbers, and underscores
- They cannot be a word already reserved by ROBOTC
- All of the above